Enrolling your children in preschool has many more benefits than most people think about. Not only does it prepare the child for Kindergarten and the rest of their elementary career, it also has positive impacts on the school, community, and the government. There are both short-term and long-term benefits that affect most people in one way or another. Here are a few of the many benefits of attending a preschool in Reno, NV:

Short-Term Benefits of Attending Preschool

One of the benefits of attending preschool that your child will gain is being ahead of their peers. It’s proven that children who attend preschool before entering Kindergarten are generally about 3 or 4 months ahead of their classmates and have better test scores. They’re taught the necessary social skills and academics that aren’t easily learned from home. Learning math and science or enrolling in a preschool reading program at such a young age really set them up for a successful school career and future. Test scores in math and science are significantly greater for those who attend preschool than those who didn’t have the opportunity. In addition, significant increases in letter-word identification, spelling, and applied problems have been seen. There are countless short-term benefits of attending preschool that will get them on track to a successful future.

child learning how to color at a preschool in reno nv

Long-Term Benefits of Attending Preschool

Many studies have been conducted to research the long-term benefits of attending preschool and the results are fascinating. It makes sense that a child who is enrolled in preschool would be positively impacted immediately, but the long-term effects are remarkable. Adults who attended preschool as children, have significantly higher IQs than those who did not. Also, they are more likely to graduate high school, own a home by the age of 27, and earn over $20K a year by age 40. As adults, those who attended preschool are also less likely to engage in criminal activity and less likely to have health issues related to depression and anxiety.

The long-term effects are much more far reaching, impacting the school, community, and government. When children attend preschool prior to entering elementary school, they have learned the necessary social skills and knowledge. The long-term benefits of attending preschool includes understanding how to interact with other children, reducing the amount of conflict and necessary action by the school. Having a base of knowledge and head start on learning, significantly decreases the need to have special education services and reduces grade retention. If children are able to stay ahead by enrolling in a preschool reading program, or something similar, to at least stay on track, additional services and costs can be reduced. All of these factors affect the school districts, which in turn, affect the community and the government.

Cost Savings

The cost savings of sending your children to preschool are also a long-term benefit that impacts a wide range of people. Although there is a cost involved for parents, preschool should be viewed as an investment into the children’s’ future and that of the community. The small investment will increase your child’s chance of success in school and in life, have a positive impact on the community, and reduce costs to the government. The less money the government has to spend on special education services and a child retaking a class, the more money that can be spent improving the quality of the education. School districts would be able to allocate more of their budget to extra curricular activities and various programs like preschool reading programs, art programs, or even summer programs.

The benefits of attending preschool are much greater than they are generally portrayed. Sending your child to preschool in Reno, NV will not only have a positive impact on the child, but also on the school, community, and government. Little Bear & University is a preschool in Reno and Sparks that offers programs for children starting at the age of 2, take a tour today to get your child started on a great path, 

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